As Qualcomm unveiled the Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset earlier this week, Samsung, which has been working on its in-house Exynos 2500 to improve the 3nm yield, is said to abandon the plan and go Snapdragon 8 Elite only for the entire Galaxy S25 series. To turn the tide, it is reportedly embarking on th...
According to a report by China’s CCTV Finance on October 20, Samsung Electronics has recently begun restructuring its business, with the semiconductor division deciding to withdraw from the light-emitting diode (LED) business. Samsung Electronics to Focus on Power Semiconductors The report h...
Ahead of SK hynix’s Q3 earnings announcement on October 24th, the market expects it may see a surge in quarterly operating profit driven by HBM, potentially leading the company to outperform Samsung’s semiconductor division. Therefore, there is growing interest in SK hynix’s next move. In o...
While Samsung is struggling to catch up with SK hynix on its HBM3e progress, it would also be one of the company’s top priorities to retain talent. According to the report by Korean media outlet The Elec, around 200 Samsung employees have been flocking to apply for three job openings posted by SK ...
Would Samsung finally be able to secure major orders from tech giants, even one of the world’s top AI companies? According to a report by The Information, the most successful and lucrative partnership in AI business, which is formed by NVIDIA and its foundry partner TSMC, is showing signs of stra...