

[News] U.S. Expands Talent Training for Semiconductors from Taiwan, Japan, South Korea

The U.S. Department of Commerce announced on June 24 the expansion of SelectTalentUSA, a joint initiative with the Departments of Labor and Education. The program, designed to provide technical assistance to foreign businesses in delivering recruitment and training programs for their U.S. workforce, will now include clients from Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.

This move aims to better serve semiconductor and supply chain firms, along with other companies looking to establish or expand operations in the United States.

Launched in May 2023, SelectTalentUSA initially targeted Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland, focusing on Registered Apprenticeships to foster cooperation and information exchange.

The initiative helps foreign investor companies form local and state partnerships, tailor their talent development strategies to the U.S. market, and leverage America’s diverse and skilled workforce.

The SelectUSA-led Interagency Investment Working Group (IIWG), comprising over 20 departments, supports SelectTalentUSA by increasing coordination and providing guidance on issues affecting business investment decisions. The IIWG connects foreign investors with resources and experts to establish quality training, education, and development programs.

During its pilot year, SelectUSA, along with the Departments of Labor and Education, conducted outreach to companies focusing on Registered Apprenticeships (RA). This effort has led to several companies signing, or nearing agreements to sign, RA standards with the Department of Labor to launch new U.S. training programs.

SelectTalentUSA promotes foreign direct investment that creates well-paying jobs in America, aligning with the Biden-Harris Administration’s goal of building an equitable economy and revitalizing overlooked communities. The program’s expansion allows more foreign investors to access the American workforce, build a skilled talent pipeline, and create quality job opportunities.

Additionally, it supports the goals of the CHIPS for America program, which aims to strengthen and revitalize the U.S. semiconductor research, development, and manufacturing sectors.

(Photo credit: TSMC)

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