As semiconductor fabrication technologies continue to advance, the number of transistors in integrated circuits (ICs) has steadily increased. Initially, ICs contained only tens of transistors, but as technology progressed, ICs integrating hundreds of thousands of transistors enabled the realization ...
In recent developments, an industry source revealed that Coherent, a leading chip material supplier in the U.S. automotive industry, has piqued the interest of four major Japanese corporate groups with regards to its silicon carbide (SiC) business, with a transaction amount potentially reaching $5 b...
In-Depth Analyses
The competitive advantage of automotive GaN components is becoming increasingly prominent. Leveraging their exceptional material characteristics, SiC components are rapidly making inroads into sectors such as automotive, renewable energy, and power PFC. Similarly, GaN components are excelling in ...
Last week, major power semiconductor manufacturer Infineon announced plans to invest up to 5 billion euros over the next five years to construct the world's largest 8-inch SiC power wafer factory in Kulim, Malaysia. This expansion will raise the total investment in the Kulim plant from 2 billion eur...
In-Depth Analyses
The global automotive industry is pouring billions of dollars into SiC semiconductors, hoping that they could be key to transforming vehicle power systems. This shift is rapidly changing the supply chain at all levels, from components to modules. In the previous piece "SiC vs. Silicon Debate: Wil...