

The M&A battle for SiC: Who’s the Top Acquirers?

The compound semiconductor market has been flourishing in recent years thanks to the strong demand from markets such as electric vehicles and renewable energy. This has led to an increase in M&A as companies race to establish their position in the industry.

The market has seen a significant surge in M&A deals over the last few years: from 2006 to 2017, there was only one deal every two years, but since 2018, there have been six deals annually, surpassing historical data.

While SiC and GaN are the top categories for M&A, 21 of the transactions are directly related to SiC. This is because after its development over 20 years, SiC has been able to be mass-produced for market demands, particularly in the automotive industry where SiC has become the mainstream technology.

Vertical Integration driven by Industry Titans

Industry leaders in the US and Europe, such as Wolfspeed, On Semi, II-VI, ST, and Infineon, have started accelerating vertical integration in recent years, as reflected in the frequency of M&A.

The United States has led 12 M&A deals, with only four of them occurring before 2018, and Wolfspeed contributed to three of them. Over the past three years, On-Semi, II-VI, and Macom have led several deals with a focus on SiC’s vertical integration to meet market demands.

In Europe, there were eight M&A deals in total, all of which took place in 2018 and beyond, with ST and Infineon being the major players. Both companies have been accumulating technical strength through strategic acquisition to maintain their leading ground in the SiC power device market.

In 2019 and 2020, ST acquired Norstel AB to bolster its SiC wafer manufacturing capabilities and Exgan to improve the GaN power device design expertise. Similarly, Infineon acquired Siltectra GMbH in 2018 to gain control of the crucial SiC wafer cold split process technology and recently acquired GaN Systems to reinforce its presence in the GaN market.

It’s evident from the cases that the high frequency of M&As in the US and Europe is mainly driven by leading companies in the industry, gradually defining the landscape of the market.

Wolfspeed, which has grown into a leading company after a long period of time, has accumulated enough capital for M&A and gradually been transforming into a platform-type company. Meanwhile, Onsemi, ST, and Infineon, which have traditionally been platform-type companies with established expertise in the field of compound semiconductors, are now ramping up their M&A activities to expand market presence and generate strong growth momentum.

Market Landscape Continues to Change

M&A deals among semiconductor equipment companies are also receiving attention. Recently, ASM and Veeco have successively acquired LPE and Epiluvac, indicating that equipment manufacturers have also realized the huge potential of the SiC market and are accelerating their investment.

Given the rapid technology breakthroughs, the overall SiC power device market is predicted to grow at an annual rate of 41.4% to reach $2.28 billion by 2023 and $5.33 billion by 2026 at 35% annual growth, according to TrendForce’s latest report.

However, with the current market boom comes a new challenge – the supply shortage. One of the biggest obstacles to industry growth is the scarcity of SiC substrate material, despite efforts from companies like STM and Onsemi to ramp up their production.

Manufacturers are now on the hunt for both internal and external sources to keep the supply flowing. While most of the SiC substrate suppliers are expanding, only a few, like Wolfspeed, are controlling the manufacturing capacity for high-end SiC substrates used in automotive main inverters, which worsens the bottleneck in SiC devices’ production for cars.

With that being said, major players must quickly address technology hurdles and supply issues to bridge the market gap. This will inevitably drive intense competition and industry consolidation, and only the ones that can adapt quickly will be thriving in the long run.

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Market Value of SiC Power Semiconductors Estimated to Reach US$1.589 billion in 2022, European and US IDMs Retain Market Hegemony

Looking at the development of the global SiC (silicon carbide) industry, IDMs in Europe and the United States occupy an absolute leading position, with the United States accounting for more than half of the market share in the substrate material sector. In order to ensure long-term and stable development of the SiC business, major manufacturers have also successively intervened in key upstream substrate materials in an effort to control the supply chain. Therefore, vertical integration has become an important trend in the development of the SiC industry. The global market value of SiC power semiconductors is estimated to be approximately US$1.589 billion in 2022 and will reach US$5.302 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 35%.

Wolfspeed holds more than half the world’s SiC substrate market share and is first to move to 8-inch wafers

SiC substrates are characterized by difficult growth conditions, arduous processing, and high technical thresholds, which have become a key constraint on downstream production capacity. At present, only a few manufacturers such as Wolfspeed, ROHM, ON Semi, and STM have the ability to independently produce SiC crystals. From the perspective of SiC substrate market share in 2021, the leading players in order of market share are: Wolfspeed at 62%, II-VI at 14%, SiCrystal at 13%, SK Siltron at 5%, and TankeBlue at 4%.

Increasing the number of components on a single wafer is one of the main methods of further reducing the cost of SiC power components, so the industry is fully promoting 8-inch transformation. 8-inch SiC wafers have issues such as difficult material growth, laborious dicing, and losses during dicing. At this stage, yield rate is low. Therefore, 8-inch SiC wafers will not have much impact on the industry in the short term but, in the long run, with breakthroughs in material growth and process yield, the final chip cost of 8-inch wafers will inevitably present great advantages.

SiC MOSFET market highly competitive, STM comes out on top

With the successful application of high-quality 6H-SiC and 4H-SiC epitaxial layer growth technology in the 1990s, the research and development of various SiC power components entered a period of rapid development, leading to their current ubiquity in sectors such as the automotive and industrial fields. From the perspective of competition patterns in the SiC power component market, as Tesla’s first SiC supplier, STM took first place in 2021 with a market share of 41%, Infineon took second place with 22%, followed by Wolfspeed, ROHM, ON Semi and other manufacturers.

TrendForce indicates, from the perspective of SiC MOSFET technology, trench structure’s powerful cost and performance advantages will see it become the mainstream technology in the future. Infineon and ROHM have been working on this a long time and these two companies have successively introduced this structure to the market as core products. STM, Wolfspeed, and On Semi still employ planar structures at this stage but their next generation products will also move to trench structures.

(Image credit: Pixabay)


8-inch Substrate Mass Production in 2H22, 3rd Gen Power Semiconductor CAGR to Reach 48% by 2025, Says TrendForce

At present, the materials with the most development potential are Wide Band Gap (WBG) semiconductors with high power and high frequency characteristics, including silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN), which are mainly used in electric vehicles (EV) and the fast charging battery market. TrendForce research estimates, the output value of third generation power semiconductors will grow from US$980 million in 2021 to US$4.71 billion in 2025, with a CAGR of 48%.

SiC is suitable for high-power applications, such as energy storage, wind power, solar energy, EVs, new energy vehicles (NEV) and other industries that utilize highly demanding battery systems. Among these industries, EVs have attracted a great deal of attention from the market. However, most of the power semiconductors used in EVs currently on the market are Si base materials, such as Si IGBT and Si MOSFET. However, as EV battery power systems gradually develop to voltage levels greater than 800V, compared with Si, SiC will produce better performance in high-voltage systems. SiC is expected to gradually replace part of the Si base design, greatly improve vehicle performance, and optimize vehicle architecture. The SiC power semiconductor market is estimated to reach US$3.39 billion by 2025.

GaN is suitable for high-frequency applications, including communication devices and fast charging for mobile phones, tablets, and laptops. Compared with traditional fast charging, GaN fast charging has higher power density, so charging speed is faster within a smaller package that is easier to carry. These advantages have proven attractive to many OEMs and ODMs and several have started rapidly developing this material. The GaN power semiconductor market is estimated to reach US$1.32 billion by 2025.

TrendForce emphasizes that third generation power semiconductor substrates are more difficult to manufacture and more expensive compared to traditional Si bases. Taking advantage of the current development of major substrate suppliers, companies including Wolfspeed, II-VI, and Qromis successively expanded their production capacity and will mass-produce 8-inch substrates in the 2H22. Output value of third generation power semiconductors is estimated to have room for continued growth in the next few years.

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