Research Reports


Smartphone Market Decode_3Q22


DRAM , NAND Flash , Panel Industry +1


TrendForce, a global market intelligence firm for the technology sectors, proudly presents “Smartphone Market Decode” – a quarterly research report that synergizes the resources of several in-house analyst teams such as the Department of Semiconductor Research, the Department of Display Research, the Department of ICT Application Research, etc.

In addition to the first-hand data on the device production figures of the major electronics brands and the latest overview of the supply chains for the key components, Smartphone Market Decode also covers the relevant topics pertaining to technological innovations and development trends. The report assists enterprises in adapting to the rapidly changing market environment by providing the most real-time and professional industry knowledge that can be used to make the best operational decisions.

Mobile DRAM Industry Analysis-3Q22


DRAM , Smartphones


Global smartphone production registered a QoQ drop of 6% for 2Q22, coming to 292 million units. In a YoY comparison, the total for 2Q22 showed a drop of 5.2% versus the total of for 2Q21...

DRAM Industry Analysis-3Q22




The DRAM industry arrived at US$25.594 billion in 2Q22 revenue under a QoQ growth of 6.5% primarily owing to the growth of shipment bit from several DRAM suppliers...

Server DRAM Industry Analysis-3Q22


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


Shipments of whole servers were relatively strong and stable in 2Q22. Hence, compared with the markets for other kinds of end products, the server market had a better peformance during this period...

Mobile DRAM Revenue Drop Slightly by Just 1.8% QoQ for 2Q22 as Suppliers Increase Sales to Channel Distributors to Bridge Their Revenue Gaps




Global market intelligence firm TrendForce reports that the smartphone market exhibited signs of weakening sales starting in 2H21...

Server DRAM Revenue Rose by 9.3% QoQ for 2Q22; Suppliers Significantly Boosted Sales as Server Market Remained Stable


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


Global market intelligence firm TrendForce reports that the contract trading of server DRAM products in 1Q22 showed substantial price declines...

DRAM Market Bulletin_20220817




It is now the middle of August, and finally suppliers and buyers are starting to complete their negotiations for quarterly contracts...

DRAM Market Bulletin_20220810




It is now the beginning of August, and the focus of the DRAM contract market is on the server DRAM segment where a significant portion of quarterly deals did not get finalized in July...

2Q22 Shipment Growth Yielded 6.5% QoQ Increment in Global DRAM Revenue




As indicated by the survey of global market intelligence firm TrendForce, the DRAM industry arrived at US$25.594 billion in 2Q22 revenue under a QoQ growth of 6.5% primarily owing to...

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