
美國 11 月 ISM 製造業 PMI 持續緊縮,電子業助攻新訂單出現回溫

美國供應鏈管理協會(ISM)於12月2日公布最新製造業數據,美國11月 ISM 製造業 PMI為 48.4,較前一期增加1.9個百分點,優於市場預期的47.7,且為今年6月以來最高。美國製造業雖為連續第8個月處於緊縮狀態,但受新訂單回暖影響,其...

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本周重點關注:美國 ISM PMI & 就業數據



[News] U.S. Services PMI Hits Nearly Two-Year High in September as Consumer Demand Remains Strong

U.S. Services PMI (NMI) continued to expand in September, according to data released by the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) on October 3. The NMI rose from 51.5 in August to 54.9 in September, reaching its highest level since February 2023. Breaking down the sub-indices, the Business Activ...


[News] ADP Report Shows Slowdown of Labor Market, while ISM Services PMI Remains in Expansion

The U.S. non-farm payroll data for August is set to be released on September 6. Ahead of that, the ADP employment report, often referred to as the "mini-NFP," was published on September 5. The report revealed that private-sector employment in the US rose by 99,000 jobs in August, significantly lo...


[News] U.S. Manufacturing PMI Continues to Contract, but Computer & Electronics Industry Rebounds Strongly

    Summary:  Manufacturing PMI slight uptick New orders and production sub-indices continue to decline Uneven demand recovery across sectors   The U.S. manufacturing PMI showed a slight uptick in August, according to data released by the Institute for S...

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