In today’s DRAM spot market, the official price of factories is released. Although some suppliers adjust the price in order to meet demand, the actual buying condition is still in the low-priced part. As a result, the bargaining space between both sides is limited and the overall trading volume is dull. In the mainstream category, the average price of DDR4 8G (1Gx8) 2666 drops to USD 1.726,
In today’s DRAM spot market, the market condition shows quietly. Meanwhile, only specific inquiries are required from the factories. Therefore, the major demand is much lower than the target price and both sides can’t reach a consensus. As a result, the overall price of the chip still keeps in a downtrend. In the mainstream category, the average price of DDR4 8G (1Gx8) 2666 drops to US
In today’s DRAM spot market, the official price of factories keeps releasing. However, the factories still hold a passive attitude toward the market. Therefore, the overall spot trading volume is not enough and is sluggish. In the mainstream category, the average price of DDR4 8G (1Gx8) 2666 drops to USD 1.741, and the average price of DDR4 512x8-2400/2666 drops to USD 1.155. The average pri
In today’s DRAM spot market, the market shows quiet and the demand from the end side is not ideal. Moreover, factory stocking is limited. Hence, there is no apparent bargaining appearing in the market. As a result, the price of chips remains in a downtrend slightly and the overall trading condition is not ideal. In the mainstream category, the average price of DDR4 8G (1Gx8) 2666 drops to US
TrendForce estimates that shipments of display panels used in notebook computers (NB panels) will total 38.7 million pieces for 1Q23, showin