Influenced by various factors like the rapid expansion of new energy capacity, the evolution of power trading models, the decrease in raw ma
In today's DRAM spot market, the demand remains weak, and buying interest is subdued. Buyers are not actively making inquiries and are conservative. Prices for DRAM chips are stable, and overall trading activity is slow. In the mainstream category, the average price of DDR4 8G (1Gx8) 2666 rises to USD 1.747, and the average price of DDR4 512x8-2400/2666 drops to USD 1.146. The average price of
2022 marked a pivotal moment for the energy storage sector. Fueled by favorable conditions both at home and abroad, the global energy storag
In today's DRAM spot market, there is weak buying interest, and selling pressure from suppliers continues. Prices are still adjusting, and factories are currently in the process of inventory adjustments. Actual demand remains limited, and the overall trading environment is quiet. In the mainstream category, the average price of DDR4 8G (1Gx8) 2666 stays at USD 1.745, and the average price of D
In today's DRAM spot market, there is weak buying interest. Prices for chips continue to make slight downward adjustments in the absence of strong demand. Buyers are generally cautious, and the overall market is characterized by narrow-range fluctuations. In the mainstream category, the average price of DDR4 8G (1Gx8) 2666 stays at USD 1.745, and the average price of DDR4 512x8-2400/2666 drops