WitsView: Japanese Brands Release Orders Aggressively, Resulting in Surging Taiwan TV SI Shipment
Under the trend of economies of scale and work specialization, LCD TV vendors are focusing more on the brand management, and have gradually released their manufacturing capacity to cost-competitive SIs. Among which, Japanese TV brand vendors are the most aggressive ones to release their orders in the worldwide. According to the latest survey by WitsView, a research division of TrendForce, shipment of Taiwan LCD monitor SIs reached 14.99 million units in 1H10, surging by 62% YoY. The primary growth momentum was from Japan clients’ orders, which benefitted Compal, Wistron and Unihan the most. In terms of shipment ranking, TPV took first place with 7.09 million units while Amtran came in third, affected by 1H10 material shortages. Size-wise, 32W was still the mainstream with 32.1%, followed by 40/42W with 18.1%. As for regional shipment, America accounted for 51%; Europe accounted for 29%; China and Asia-Pacific accounted for 7% respectively.
Linda Lin, a research manager of WitsView, indicated that currently, amid concerns of rising inventory in the end market, market demand may be slightly weaker. However, since 2H10 is still the traditional hot season for LCD TV shipment, brand vendors and SIs are focusing on achieving their annual targets. Hence, Taiwan SI volume in 2H10 may benefit from the rising demand of lower-priced entry-level models. Additionally, in the future, the development of Taiwan SIs will possibly shift toward 40W and above LCD TV models, which have more room for price promotion.
Taiwan LCD TV system integrator shipment ranking in 1H10