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TrendForce Announces Top 10 Trends in Information and Communication Technology Sector for 2018

2 November 2017

As 2017 comes to an end, global market intelligence provider TrendForce has unveiled a list of top 10 trends in the information and communication technology sector for 2018. These trends will be influencing the development of key industries in the upcoming year.

TrendForce Estimates Global Branded TV Shipments to Drop by 4.2% Annually for 2017; Strong Results in Second Half Are Unlikely to Offset Declines in First Half

1 November 2017

WitsView, a division of TrendForce, reports that the global shipments of branded TV sets for the third quarter of 2017 totaled 54.99 million units, showing an increase of 16% from the second quarter and a year-on-year decline of 4.0%. The third quarter is traditionally a busy period for TV shipments. Furthermore, the recent drop in panel prices is gradually taking away the cost pressure on TV brands, bolstering their confidence in expanding their shipments. WitsView expects the TV market to remain positive through the fourth quarter. Nevertheless, the strong results in the second half of this year are unlikely going to offset three consecutive quarters of year-on-year declines. WitsView therefore has lowered its estimate of this year’s annual global shipments to 210 million units, down 4.2% from the previous year.

Key Excerpts From TrendForce’s IT Industry Forecast for 2018 at Shanghai

26 October 2017

Themed as “development trends and opportunities of components industry” and “outlook on industrial innovation and application trends,” the IT Industry Forecast for 2018 was held by TrendForce, a global provider of market intelligence on technology industries, at the Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel Shanghai on October 26, 2017. The event was attended by 500 professionals ranging from talents of such high-tech industries as semiconductor, artificial intelligence (AI) and network communications to representatives of financial institutions and mainstream media. The symposium was kicked off by an opening speech delivered by Dr. C. L. Liu, president of TrendForce. Also, Dr. Yan Xiaolang, vice chairman of China Semiconductor Industry Association (CSIA) and head of professionals group on the construction of demonstration microelectronics college in China, participated in the conference and shared his insights on the global technology industries.

3Q17 Shipments of Branded LCD Monitors Rose 8% from Prior Quarter Due to Bounce Back in Demand, Says TrendForce

23 October 2017

The latest research on the LCD monitor market by WitsView, a division of TrendForce, finds that product shipments were fairly subdued in the first half of 2017. In the beginning of the year, prices were high for small-size TN panels that are generally used in products suited for driving shipments. Brand vendors working mainly on the consumer segment of the monitor market thus opted to focus on selling high-margin products rather than growing their overall shipments. Their product mixes during the first half of the year favored large-size segments and niche applications.

TrendForce Says Monthly TV Panel Shipments Grew 8.2% for August and Reached a New High for This Year Due to Falling Prices and Seasonal Demand

28 September 2017

WitsView, a division of TrendForce, reports that global LCD TV panel shipments for August totaled 23.02 million units, showing an increase of 8.2% from July and a year-on-year drop of 2.5%. WitsView also says that the August shipments represent the highest monthly volume in the TV panel market for this year so far. This turnaround from the weak shipment result in July was attributed to two consecutive months of declining panel prices and increasing stock-up activities ahead of holiday events in the major markets including the U.S., Europe and China.

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  • 124 page(s)
  • 616 result(s)

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