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TrendForce Expects Quotes for TV Panels to Remain Fairly Stable During Second Quarter but Price Negotiations in Medium-Size Range Will Become Noisier

9 May 2017

Though major LCD panel makers have reported strong earnings for the first quarter of 2017, there are concerns within the panel market that the general price increase across panel products has reached in its peak and this trend may start to turn in the near term. The latest analysis from WitsView, a division of TrendForce, indicates that TV panel quotes on the whole will stay relatively stable in the second quarter, with the exception being noisy price negotiations in the medium-size range or sizes 40 to 43 inches. As for prices for panels used in other applications, quotes for monitor panels are on a gradual monthly slide due the off-season effect. Meanwhile, quotes for notebook panels are also relatively stable this second quarter due to returning demand resulting from earlier purchase adjustments made by notebook brands.

TrendForce Reports First-Quarter Tablet Shipments Fell by 34.5% Versus Prior Quarter; Second-Quarter Result Depends on Sales of New iPad Devices

4 May 2017

Market intelligence firm TrendForce reports global tablet shipments for the first quarter of 2017 totaled 31.95 million units, representing a steep drop of 34.5% compared with the prior quarter and a year-on-year decline of 9.3%. The shipment slump was attributed to the effect of the traditional slow season and the general decline in tablet market demand.

Annual Shipments of IGZO Tablet Panels to Grow for Second Consecutive Year at 46% Due to Demand Driven by New iPad Pro, Says TrendForce

3 May 2017

Shipments of IGZO panels for tablets soared last year owing to Apple fully adopting this display solution for its 9.7-inch iPad Pro. The latest research from WitsView, a division of TrendForce, finds that the 2016 global shipments of IGZO tablet panels totaled 19.8 million units, registering a massive and above expected annual growth of 292%. As Apple will use the technology for the new iPad Pro, WitsView expects annual worldwide shipments of IGZO tablet panels to grow for the second consecutive year by 46%, totaling around 29 million units.

Technology Brands Including Facebook Dive Deep Into the Potential of Micro-LED Displays for AR and VR Devices, Reports TrendForce

26 April 2017

Following Sony’s introduction of CLEDIS (Crystal LED Integrated Structure) displays and Apple’s acquisition of LuxVue, more technology companies are exploring the possibilities of micro-LED in various display applications. LEDinside, a division of TrendForce, reports that there are now nearly 100 private companies and research organizations participating in the development of micro-LED displays. Besides Apple and Sony, there are other major technology brands that invest in micro-LED. Notable cases include the acquisition of InfiniLED by Facebook’s Oculus and the partnership agreement between Ostendo Technologies and KDX. By entering this field in advance, these companies hope to gain favorable positions in the future.

4K Penetration Surpassed 30% for First Time in 1Q17 LCD TV Panel Shipments, Says TrendForce

24 April 2017

WitsView, a division of TrendForce, reports LCD TV panel shipments for this first quarter totaled 60.16 million units, representing a drop of 10.7% compared with the prior quarter but also a year-on-year increase of 0.4%. Looking at major trends in the TV panel market, the growing demand for 4K resolution is accompanying the steady increase in the average panel size. Despite seasonal headwinds, first-quarter shipments of UHD (4K resolution) TV panels went up 0.5% sequentially to reach 20 million units for the first time ever and accounted for 33.3% of the total TV panel shipments.

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