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Impressive Shipment Performance of 4K TV Panels Cut Short in May with Market Penetration Down to 13.4%, According to TrendForce

17 June 2015

The shipments of LCD TV panels in May totaled 22.72M units, a 4% increase over the previous month and a 9% year-on-year increase, according to latest report from WitsView, a division of TrendForce. However, 4K panel shipments had a 2% monthly decline, from April’s 3.1M units to 3M in May. As a result, the market penetration of 4K panels also saw a slight drop from April’s 14.4% to May’s 13.6%.

TrendForce Compuforum 2015: Smartphone Upgrades Initiates Competition for Better Specs in Key Mobile Components

5 June 2015

Global research firm TrendForce will be hosting “Compuforum 2015” with Taipei Computer Association and TechNews at the 4th floor VIP Room of Taipei International Convention Center on June 5, 2015 as part of the Computex Taipei 2015. Top analysts assembled from three of TrendForce’s research divisions – DRAMeXchange, WitsView and Topology – will be presenting their latest research on the key components of mobile devices and communication technology.

TrendForce Expects Decline in LCD Monitor Shipments for 2015 to Reach 5% YoY Due to Lackluster Demands

27 May 2015

WitsView, a research division of TrendForce, has revised the estimated shipments of LCD monitors for 2015 downward to a negative year-on-year growth of 5%. This decline in shipments is based on three major factors. Firstly, demands in the commercial market saw further decline instead of recovery during the first quarter.

Specs Become Market Focus as Next-Gen iPhone Set for Mass Production in June, Says TrendForce

21 May 2015

The beginning of 2015 was excellent for Apple as the sales of iPhone 6 and iPhone 5S remained strong. The total shipment of iPhones in the first quarter was over 60 million units, exceeding the market expectations. As the second quarter is drawing to a close, the smartphone market shifts its attention to the next-generation iPhone (iPhone 6S or iPhone 7). Interests on the next iPhone's future sales results are growing as more information about its specs have been leaked to the public.

TV Panel Market Propped Up by Demands for 4K and Large-Size Products, According to TrendForce

21 May 2015

WitsView, a division of TrendForce, reports TV sales during the Chinese Labor Day holidays posted a yearly decline of 6%. However, TV brand vendors are moving away from strategies that are based on quantity to ones based on quality because of exchange rate fluctuations and shrinking margins. This steady shift in their operation focus is reflected in their increasing demands for the 48-inch and 49-inch panels as well as the 4K panel products. Large-sized TV panels will help consume more panel capacity overall.

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