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Large-Size Panels Saw a 13.6% Decline in February’s Shipments While Notebook Panels Prospered, TrendForce Reports

18 March 2015

The newest display panel shipment report from WitsView, a division of TrendForce, states that the February shipments of large-size panels totaled 56.71M units. This a 13% drop compared with the previous month and a 1.9% drop compared with the same period of the prior year.

TV Panels’ Shipment Demands Unaffected by Seasonality as January’s Shipments for Large-Size Panels Fell by 3%, TrendForce Reports

25 February 2015

The newest panel shipment report from WitsView, a division of TrendForce, states that the total shipments for January amounted to 67.95 million units, a drop of 3% compared with the previous month. All six major panel makers experienced decline in their shipments. Based on applications, only TV panels ran counter to the negative trend and posted a monthly shipment growth of 1.2%. The biggest decrease in January’s monthly shipments occurred in the tablet application with a drop of 7.8%.

TrendForce Reports Greater Flexibility in TV Panel Price Dealings as Chinese New Year’s Production Cut Has Limited Impacts on Panel Sufficiency

25 February 2015

The newest panel price report from WitsView, a division of TrendForce, indicates that Chinese New Year had some effects on panel module production and reduced pressures on the supply side in February. However, the extent of positive support on panel prices driven by the holiday period has been quite limited. Demands for notebook and monitor panels in particular have been weaker than expected, and consequently IT panel prices are in a general decline.

Major Korean Brands Retained Their Top Positions in the Busy 2014 LCD-TV Markets, Reports TrendForce

5 February 2015

LCD TV shipments in 2014 were above expectations with a total of 215 million units shipped and an annual growth of 5.4%, according to WitsView, a division of TrendForce. WitsView’s Research Manager KK Chang listed several factors behind the bustling LCD TV market in 2014.

Dell Is Again at Top in Worldwide Monitor Shipment Rankings for 2014, TrendForce Reports

29 January 2015

Due to shortages of panels in the mainstream size categories and rising panel prices, the worldwide LCD monitor shipments in 2014 totaled 133.6 million units (AIO products excluded), a year-on-year decline of 6.6%, according to WitsView, a research division of TrendForce.

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