Numerous branded smartphone vendors unveiled their next-generation flagship devices ahead of Apple’s iPhone 6s reveal this September. These earlier major product launches included Samsung’s Note 5, Huawei’s Mate and Sony Z5 series. Consequently, much of this year’s growth momentum in the smartphone market was concentrated in the third quarter.
The LED market conditions have been fairly challenging for manufacturers in 2015 with notable price declines throughout July to August, but improving market conditions in September has slowed down price drops of certain LED bulb products, according to a latest report from LEDinside, a division of TrendForce.
Policy directives from the Chinese government continue to drive the country’s demand for photovoltaic (PV) systems. China’s National Energy Agency has recently increased the national PV installation target and expects an additional 5.3GW-worth of generation capacity to be in operation by the middle of next year.