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TrendForce Reports Shipments of Large-Size Monitors Expands This Year Due to Rising Demand

3 October 2015

Demand has shifted towards products with larger sizes in this year’s LCD monitor market, according to the latest report by WitsView, a division of TrendForce. The share of models sized 23 inches and above in the global monitor shipments has increased to upwards of 40% this quarter. The 27-inch and larger segment in particular has seen the largest increase in its share of the total shipments.

TrendForce Reports DRAM Contract Price Down to US$18.5 in September

1 October 2015

The latest price report by DRAMeXchange, a division of TrendForce, shows that the average contract price of DDR3 4GB fell 3% from US$19 in August to US$18.5 in September. According to DRAMeXchange Assistant Vice President Avril Wu, first-tier DRAM suppliers attempted to hold the price around US$20~21 in August, when the inventory level in the spot market was low.

TrendForce Anticipates Flash-Related Devices Becoming a Developmental Focus in China’s Semiconductor Sector Following Tsinghua Unigroup’s Deal with Western Digital

1 October 2015

China’s state-backed technology group Tsinghua Unigroup purchased a 15% majority stake in Western Digital, a major U.S.-based maker of data storage disk drives, on September 30. This latest investment deal will strengthen China’s efforts to develop its domestic ICT equipment industries as well as gaining an important prize within the rapidly growing industry of NAND Flash-related devices.

4G Smartphone Market Takes Off as Telecom Operators Drive Mobile Broadband Development Worldwide, Says TrendForce

1 October 2015

There has been an explosive growth in the number of 4G network users worldwide in 2015. According to TrendForce’s projection, the sales of the global 4G-enabled smartphones will reach 450 million units worldwide this year. The convenience and seamless connection of the mobile network encourages consumer usage, while the increasing penetration of 4G-enabled smartphones also drives user growth of 4G mobile networks.

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