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TrendForce: 1H’Jan NAND Flash Contract Prices Fall as Suppliers Face Pressure to Digest Capacity

20 January 2014

The NAND Flash contract prices have dropped by approximately 3%-5% in 1H’Jan compared to 2H’December, according to DRAMeXchange, a research division of TrendForce. Looking at the demand side, with the estimated 1Q14 shipments of OEM devices such as Smartphones, Tablets, and Notebooks expected to fall by 15-20% QoQ, more and more NAND Flash manufacturers are beginning to increase their shipments to the module clients.

TrendForce: USA’s Anti-Dumping Investigation May affect Taiwanese Cell Manufacturers

20 January 2014

SolarWorld once again requested anti-dumping and countervailing investigation against Chinese modules shipped to USA. This time, the investigation will include module with third-party solar cells. EnergyTrend, a research division of TrendForce, indicates that the total amount of PV installation was 4.3GW in 2013, in which 90% (around 3GW) of modules were from China.

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