2013 is undoubtedly a sluggish year for the NB industry. According to the survey by WitsView, the display division of the global intelligence provider TrendForce, the global NB shipment for entire 2013 is around 167 million units, dipping 10% YoY, as the impacts brought by the touch function test the compatibility between software and hardware as well as consumers’ using habit, in addition to the global economic downturn. 2014 is projected to see constant NB shipment declines, but the decrease can narrow to 1-2%. WitsView analyst Caroline Chen emphasizes on several points to be observed as below:
According to DRAMeXchange, a research division of TrendForce, the holiday sales momentum and stabilized market shipments are both helping PC-OEMs to digest their inventory. The 1H’Dec contract prices have experienced a slight increase as the yield issues experienced by suppliers remain unresolved. For 4GB, the average prices rose by an estimated 3%, climbing from US$ 33 to US$ 34. The 2GB modules, on the other hand, experienced the same amount of price growth (3%) following the massive reductions in their supplies. Due to the above developments, it is predicted that the contract price uptrend will continue throughout 2H’Dec.