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TrendForce: Shipment Delays Resulting from Yield Rate Issues Lead to Positive Turnaround for 2H’Nov DRAM Contract Prices

2 December 2013

According to DRAMeXchange, a research division of TrendForce, the 2H13 DRAM prices were initially expected to weaken due to SK Hynix's gradual recovery from the fire accident and the sluggish demand in the market. However, with one of the first tier PC DRAM makers experiencing various shipment delays and resorting to other DRAM manufacturers for orders, the 2H'Nov contract prices experienced a positive turnaround. The highest price and average of 4GB mainstream modules have showed an estimated 3% increase and reached US$ 35 and US$ 33, respectively. For the 2GB modules, the prices reached up to as high as US$ 18.5 given the massive reductions in its supply.

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