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TrendForce:Fire Accident in SK Hynix May Lead to Potential Shortage, Spot and Contract Prices Expected to Soar

5 September 2013

SK Hynix has experienced a fire accident yesterday (9/4) at approximately 3:00 PM, causing every part of its production to be halted. The fire damages suffered by the company are currently speculated to have originated from either a major manufacturing equipment or one of the CVD machineries inside the wafer facility.

TrendForce:2H’August NAND Flash Contract Prices Drops 5-10%, End-Demand May be Weaker than Expected

3 September 2013

According to DRAMeXchange, a research division of TrendForce, the 2H’August NAND Flash contract prices have slid by approximately 5-10% due to the weaker than expected OEM demand and the lowered replenishment momentum resulting from the NAND Flash customers’ increased inventory.

TrendForce:Wafer Manufacturers Plan to Raise Prices in Face of Growing Polysilicon Costs

3 September 2013

As prices of China’s polysilicon spot market continue its upward ascend, it triggered price hikes in Asia’s polysilicon market that in turn caused cost increases for wafer manufacturers. Continual raw material price upticks are compressing silicon wafer manufacturers’ profits. Under operation pressure, wafer manufacturers are also considering raising silicon wafer prices.

TrendForce:Samsung Cedes Position of No.1 Monitor Shipment Brand to Become No.3

2 September 2013

According to the survey by WitsView, the display research division of the global intelligence provider TrendForce, the global top ten LCD monitor brands’ 2013 shipment will be around 120 million units, declining 7.1% from 2012.

TrendForce:DRAM Industry Undergoes Production Cuts and Adjustments, 2012 Worldwide Revenues Slide

29 August 2013

According to DRAMeXchange, a research division of TrendForce, due to the memory price drops and the shrinking spot market, the 2012 global module revenues reached $US 5.5 billion, a 13% decrease from 2011's $US 6.3 billion.

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