According to DRAMeXchange, a research division of Trendforce, thanks in large part to the rising spot prices of DRAM (which has grown twofold since last November), the spot market price of DDR3 2Gb has a good chance of approaching $US 2 in the upcoming periods.
According to the latest panel price survey for the second half of June by WitsView, the display research division of the global market intelligence provider TrendForce, the price drops for LCD TV modules and Open Cells are around US$2-5, more significant than that of the previous month. (Table 1.)
As indicated by market research organization TrendForce's research division LEDinside, LED market demand was benefited from inventory demand and lighting market order demand. In May, 2013, Taiwanese listed LED manufacturers' total sales revenue increased to NTD10.96 billion (+6.8%MoM,+23.8%YoY).
According to the latest shipment report of WitsView, the display research division of the global intelligence provider TrendForce, the large-sized panel shipment in May 2013 reached 67.65 million units, surging 4% MoM.
According to LEDinside, a research division of TrendForce, the Q2 supply for medium-power LED for lighting applications remains unstable. While the current market demand still came from warm white LED, the shortage situation won’t be eased until July.