According to DRAMeXchange, a research division of global market research firm TrendForce, the decline of the PC industry has led to decreased revenue for DRAM makers worldwide.
According to DRAMeXchange, a research division of TrendForce, as PC shipments are continually adjusted downwards and yearly growth has decreased by 5% YoY, demand for the peak season is not as strong as expected and the oversupply situation continues to worsen.
According to WitsView, the display research division of TrendForce, the development in LCD monitor market in 2013 would tend to be conservative. From the view of the demand side: 1. Global economy still shows full of uncertainties and consumers face constraints in spending; 2.
According to the survey of large-sized panel supply and capacity conducted by WitsView, the display research division of TrendForce, as panel makers have started differentiations of product combinations and production strategies in 2012, couple with Chinese TV brands’ aggressive procurements encouraged by subsid
Although NAND flash market demand was sluggish in the beginning of the third quarter of 2012 due to slow economic recovery worldwide, Toshiba’s July announcement of capacity cuts and the arrival of Apple’s iPhone 5 in September provided positive market stimulation.