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WitsView: Japan Earthquake Affects the Global IT Supply Chain

14 March 2011

Witsview, a research division of TrendForce, indicates that most major LCD panel manufacturers are at Kansai region, Japan. Therefore, not much damage has been done to LCD panel manufacturers.

TrendForce: Japan Earthquake Affects the Global IT Supply Chain (DRAM, LCD, LED, Solar, Battery)

14 March 2011

TrendForce: Japan Earthquake Affects the Global IT Supply Chain (DRAM, LCD, LED, Solar, Battery)  

Tablet PC and Smartphone will consume more than 50% NAND Flash in 2011

8 March 2011

Tablet PC and Smartphone will consume more than 50% NAND Flash in 2011

iPad2, released on March 2nd, is expected to grab more than 70% of tablet market in 2011

3 March 2011

iPad2, released on March 2nd, is expected to grab more than 70% of tablet market in 2011

1Q11 Notebook shipment indicated a strong momentum in March

2 March 2011

1Q11 Notebook shipment indicated a strong momentum in March

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