Research Reports


Total Server DRAM Revenue for 1Q24 Showed QoQ Increase of 7.5% and YoY Increase of 155.7% as Suppliers Further Improved Their Performances


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


According to the latest research by global market intelligence firm TrendForce, the server DRAM market was benefited by rising prices in 1Q24, and the total server DRAM revenue for the quarter reached...

DRAM Market Bulletin_20240522




In the mobile DRAM segment, smartphone brands have been hesitant to accept the quotes that were offered by DRAM suppliers at the start of this second quarter and show QoQ hikes of 15-20%...

DRAM Market Bulletin_20240515




Contract quotes continue to climb, but the overall transaction volume has not increased significantly in the current month of May...

With the Expansion of HBM Supply and Introduction of Next-Generation Memory Products for Various Applications, the Allocation of Production Capacity Based on Advanced Processes Will Be Critical for DRAM Suppliers


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


According to the latest research by the global market intelligence firm TrendForce, the overall procurement volume of memory products fell sharply in 2023 as OEMs...

Server Market Bulletin_20240509


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


This week’s Bulletin provides an update on the respective markets of CSPs and enterprise OEMs, and renews the annual outlook on server demand...

DRAM Market Bulletin_20240508




In the server DRAM segment, suppliers and buyers are at an impasse over contract prices. Some suppliers presented quotes that were too high for buyers...

Mobile DRAM Contract Price 2Q24




As indicated by the survey of global market intelligence firm TrendForce, contract prices of mobile DRAM have been successively released for various application fields as impacts from the 403 earthquake gradually subside, with a larger degree of confirmation seen between the two South Korean suppliers...

Contract Prices of Memory Products Have Registered Larger-than-Expected Price Hikes in 2Q24, Reflecting a Shift in Buyers’ Mindset




According to the latest investigation by the global market intelligence firm TrendForce, as the memory market enters 2Q24 and in the aftermath of Taiwan's earthquake on April 3rd, some PC OEMs have accepted significantly larger hikes in the ASPs of DRAM and NAND Flash due to special considerations related to recent events...

Server DIMM Price Apr. 2024


DRAM , AI Server/HBM/Server


As indicated by the survey of global market intelligence firm TrendForce, contract prices for server DRAM are seeing a larger-than-expected increment generally due to the earthquake occurred on April 3rd. ...

Specialty DRAM Price Apr. 2024




Global market intelligence firm TrendForce reports that the consumer DRAM market had yet to see a notable turnaround in the demand for related end products in April...

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