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Foundries Have Decreased the Input for LCD Driver IC in 1Q18, Making Its Prices Go Up, Says TrendForce

15 January 2018

The expanding markets for Internet of Things, automotive electronics, and smart home devices have driven the demand for power management integrated circuit (PMIC) and microcontrollers (MCU), etc., resulting in the 200mm foundries’ less input in LCD driver ICs. WitsView, a division of TrendForce, points out that the foundries have raised their quotes for driver ICs. Consequently, fabless IC companies may also raise their quotes to panel makers by 5~10% due to the cost pressure.

QLED TV and OLED TV Continue to Compete in CES, Featuring 8K Resolution and Intelligent Video Processing

11 January 2018

Competition between QLED TV and AMOLED TV has continued in CES this year, and resolutions of the latest TVs include both 4K and 8K specifications. Major TV brands now focus on video processing chips in addition to constant improvements of HDR (High Dynamic Range) imaging technology, says WitsView, a division of TrendForce. Together with AI technology, TVs are now featuring “smart” video processing capability and superior image quality.

Breakthrough for In-Display Fingerprint Sensor Will Raise Penetration of Fingerprint Recognition in Smartphone Market to 60% in 2018, Says TrendForce

11 January 2018

Fingerprint sensors will still be the first choice for most Andriod phones in 2018, since other biometric authentication methods available for Andriod phone makers cannot completely replace fingerprint identification yet, says TrendForce. Meanwhile, in-display fingerprint sensors are expected to make breakthrough this year, and vendors like Samsung, LG, OPPO, Vivo, Xiaomi, Huawei are likely to embed this technology, bringing the global fingerprint sensor penetration rate in smartphones to 60%.

TrendForce Forecasts a Supply-Demand Balance in TV Panel Market in 2018 with New Gen Fabs‘ Yield Rate and Production Capacity to Increase

3 January 2018

LCD panel market is expecting several new large generation fabs in 2018. BOE has launched the world’s first Gen 10.5 fab, while CEC-CHOT’s Gen 8.6 fab and Gen 8.6+ fab of CEC-Panda Chengdu will also go into operation this year. According to WitsView, a division of TrendForce, LCD panel prices are expected to drop by 20-40% in 2018 compared with 2017, pushing up demands for TV panels. Therefore, the supply and demand will achieve a balance in 2018, with possibility of oversupply in 2019.

Downtrend In LCD TV Shipments To Reverse In 2018 Thanks to Continuous Panel Price Drop and Rebounding Demand, Says TrendForce

18 December 2017

WitsView, a division of TrendForce, reports that the global shipments of branded LCD TV sets for 2017 will total 210 million units, a decrease of 4.1% compared with prior year. For 2018, the shipments decline will reverse, and grow by 3.9% to 218 million.

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