Research Reports


NAND Flash Industry Analysis-3Q21


Semiconductors , NAND Flash , Consumer Electronics +2


An overview of the developments in the NAND Flash market during 3Q21 is as follow: The data center segment still exhibits strong demand...

NAND Flash Industry Analysis-2Q21


Semiconductors , NAND Flash , Consumer Electronics +3


An overview of the developments in the NAND Flash market during 2Q21 is as follow: The recent wave of COVID-19 outbreaks in India has weakened the stock-up demand from smartphone brands...

NAND Flash Industry Analysis-1Q21


Semiconductors , NAND Flash , Consumer Electronics +3


An overview of the developments in the NAND Flash market during 1Q21 is as follow: The clients in the server and data center segments have restarted procurement of components, but their demand is still relatively weak....

NAND Flash Industry Analysis-4Q20


Semiconductors , NAND Flash , Consumer Electronics +3


Brief comment on the 4Q20 NAND Flash market: as the demand end has yet to complete the reduction on inventory...

NAND Flash Industry Analysis-3Q20


Semiconductors , NAND Flash , Consumer Electronics +3


Brief comment on the 3Q20 NAND Flash Market: as the demand end enters the inventory adjustment phase...

NAND Flash Industry Analysis-2Q20


Semiconductors , NAND Flash , Consumer Electronics +2


Brief comments on the 2Q20 NAND Flash market: The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the market has been extensive and the demand...

NAND Flash Industry Analysis-1Q20


Semiconductors , NAND Flash , Consumer Electronics +2


A brief commentary on the 1Q20 NAND Flash market: Uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 outbreak have overwhelmed market demand...

Smartphone and NB Production Are Most Affected by Low Return-to-Work Rate After February 10; Impacts of Coronavirus Outbreak on Future Developments of


DRAM , NAND Flash , Notebook Computers +3


The state of production in China’s electronics supply chain is the main theme of TrendForce’s ongoing coverage of the effects of the coronavirus outbreak on...

NAND Flash Industry Analysis-4Q19


Semiconductors , NAND Flash , Consumer Electronics +2


A brief comment on the NAND Flash market in the fourth quarter: Despite the relatively stagnant growth in demand...

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